\name{treatmentNames} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{treatmentNames} \alias{numberOfTreatments} \alias{treatmentFactors} \alias{factorNames} \alias{numberOfFactorLevels} \title{ Accessor functions for the ClinicalExperiment class. } \description{ These functions should be used to access the information in a instance of the \code{\link{ClinicalExperiment-class}} class. } \usage{ treatmentNames(object) numberOfTreatments(object) treatmentFactors(object) factorNames(object) numberOfFactorLevels(object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ An instance of the ClinicalExperiment class. } } \details{ These functions provide the names of treatments, the names of factors, and the levels of the factors. } \value{ In all cases the information indicated by the name of the function is returned, in an appropriate form. } \author{ R. Gentleman } \examples{ data(CT1) treatmentNames(CT1@Experiment) }