\name{Randomizer-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{Randomizer-class} \alias{ForcedAlloc-class} \alias{Random-class} \alias{PermutedBlock-class} \alias{Urn-class} \alias{coerce,Randomizer,Minimization-method} \alias{RandomizerDesc-class} \alias{ForcedAllocDesc-class} \alias{RandomDesc-class} \alias{PermutedBlockDesc-class} \alias{UrnDesc-class} \title{Class "Randomizer" and "RandomizerDesc" plus their subclasses.} \description{These classes form the infrastructure that can be used to create different randomizers for clinical trials or other similar treatment allocation experiments.} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Both "Randomizer and "RandomizerDesc" are virtual classes and no objects may be created from them. Their various subclasses, "ForcedAlloc", "Random", "PermutedBlock" and "Urn" can be instantiated. } \section{Slots}{ For "RandomizerDesc": \describe{ \item{\code{treatments}:}{A named integer vector. The names correspond to treatment names, the integers are relative allocations.} \item{\code{type}:}{The name of the randomizer, this will be set internally.} } For "Randomizer": \describe{ \item{\code{name}:}{The name of the randomizer.} \item{\code{treatmentTable}:}{A named integer vector. The names correspond to treatment names and the integer values to relative allocations.} \item{\code{stateVariables}:}{An environment that is used to hold any variables that need to retain state information.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{coerce}{\code{signature(from = "Randomizer", to = "Minimization")}: ... } } } \author{RG and VC} \examples{ showClass("Randomizer") } \keyword{classes}