\name{FASTASummary-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{FASTASummary-class} \alias{makeReport,FASTASummary-method} \title{\code{FASTASummary} class representing the summaries of a FASTA file} \description{ This class contains the same slots as the \code{\linkS4class{SequenceSummary}}, but it is used to indicate the data originated from a FASTA file. Note that many accessor functions transform data in the slots into data frames. The data in the slots is mostly untransformed and less easy to work with directly, so using the accessor functions is recommended. } \section{Slots}{ \code{\linkS4class{FASTASummary}} has the slots inherited from \code{\linkS4class{SequenceSummary}}. } \author{Vince Buffalo } \examples{ showClass("FASTASummary") } \seealso{ \code{\link[=FASTQSummary-class]{FASTQSummary}} is the counterpart of this class for FASTQ data. \code{\link{readSeqFile}} is the function that takes a FASTA file and returns a \code{FASTASummary} object. \code{\link{basePlot}} is a function that plots the distribution of bases over sequence length for a particular \code{FASTASummary} object. \code{\link{gcPlot}} combines and plots the GC proportion. \code{\link{seqlenPlot}} is a function that plots a histogram of sequence lengths for a particular \code{FASTASummary} object. \code{\link{kmerKLPlot}} is a function that uses Kullback-Leibler divergence to make a plot that can aid in finding possible contamination (if \code{readSeqFile} had \code{kmer=TRUE}). \code{\link{kmerEntropyPlot}} is a function that plots the Shannon entropy of k-mers per position. There are acccessor functions \code{\link{getQual}}, \code{\link{getBase}}, \code{\link{getBaseProp}}, \code{\link{getSeqlen}}, \code{\link{getKmer}}, \code{\link{getGC}} for transforming the raw data in the object's slot (direct from the C call) to more usable data frames. } \keyword{classes}