\name{weights-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{weights} \alias{weights-methods} \alias{weights,CCModel-method} \alias{weights.CCModel} \title{Retrieve pattern weights from a CCModel object} \description{ Function for retrieving the pattern weights from a \code{\linkS4class{CCModel}} object} \usage{ \S4method{weights}{CCModel}(object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{The model to be considered; can either be one of the models included in the package (\code{\link{PrOCoilModel}} and \code{\link{PrOCoilModelBA}}) or any other model loaded or created by the user. For a detailed explanation of the two default models, see \code{\linkS4class{CCModel}}.} } \details{ The function \code{weights} provides an accessor function for retrieving the pattern weights from a \code{\linkS4class{CCModel}} object without the need to directly access the \code{weights} slot. } \value{ \code{weights} returns a list of pattern weights. } \references{\url{http://www.bioinf.jku.at/software/procoil/} Mahrenholz, C.C., Abfalter, I.G., Bodenhofer, U., Volkmer, R., and Hochreiter, S. (2011) Complex networks govern coiled coil oligomerization - predicting and profiling by means of a machine learning approach. Mol. Cell. Proteomics. DOI: 10.1074/mcp.M110.004994} \author{Ulrich Bodenhofer \email{bodenhofer@bioinf.jku.at}} \seealso{\code{\link{procoil}}, \code{\linkS4class{CCModel}}, \code{\linkS4class{CCProfile}}, \code{\link{readCCModel}}} \examples{ ## show weight of pattern "N..La" weights(PrOCoilModel)[["N..La"]] ## show the 10 patterns that are most indicative for trimers ## (as the weights are sorted in descending order in PrOCoilModel) weights(PrOCoilModel)[1:10] ## show the 10 patterns that are most indicative for dimers ## (as the weights are sorted in descending order in PrOCoilModel) nW <- length(weights(PrOCoilModel)) weights(PrOCoilModel)[nW:(nW - 9)] ## show weight of pattern "N..La" weights(PrOCoilModelBA)[["N..La"]] ## show the 10 patterns that are most indicative for trimers ## (as the weights are sorted in descending order in PrOCoilModelBA) weights(PrOCoilModelBA)[1:10] ## show the 10 patterns that are most indicative for dimers ## (as the weights are sorted in descending order in PrOCoilModelBA) nW <- length(weights(PrOCoilModelBA)) weights(PrOCoilModelBA)[nW:(nW - 9)] } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{classif} \keyword{models} \keyword{methods}