\name{predict-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{predict} \alias{predict-methods} \alias{predict,CCModel-method} \alias{predict.CCModel} \title{Predict oligomerization of coiled coil segment} \description{ Function for predicting the oligomerization of a coiled coil segment } \usage{ \S4method{predict}{CCModel}(object, seq, reg) } \arguments{ \item{object}{The model to be considered; can either be one of the models included in the package (\code{\link{PrOCoilModel}} and \code{\link{PrOCoilModelBA}}) or any other model loaded or created by the user. For a detailed explanation of the two default models, see\code{\linkS4class{CCModel}}.} \item{seq}{An amino acid sequence; valid characters are all uppercase letters except \sQuote{B}, \sQuote{J}, \sQuote{O}, \sQuote{U}, \sQuote{X}, and \sQuote{Z}; invalid characters are tolerated, but ignored by prediction. This argument can be of any type that can be cast to a character string, including Biostrings objects.} \item{reg}{A character string denoting the heptad register; valid characters are the lowercase letters \sQuote{a} to \sQuote{g}. All characters must be in proper order, e.g. \sQuote{a} can only be followed by \sQuote{b}, \sQuote{b} can only be followed by \sQuote{c}, \dots, \sQuote{g} can only be followed by \sQuote{a}. The register can start with any of the seven letters. It must always have the same length as the \code{seq} argument. If this argument is missing, \code{predict} looks whether the object passed as argument \code{seq} has an attribute \code{reg}. If this attribute is missing and if \code{seq} is of class \code{BString} or \code{AAString}, \code{predict} looks whether there is a \code{reg} component in the \code{metadata} slot of \code{seq}.} } \details{ The function \code{predict} is the most important one in the \pkg{procoil} package. It is used to apply a coiled coil prediction model to a new coiled coil sequence. It uses the discriminant function described in \code{\linkS4class{CCModel}}. By default the final classification is computed on the basis of the discriminant function value. If \eqn{f(x)>=0}, \eqn{x} is predicted as trimer, otherwise as dimer. } \value{ If the heptad register (supplied by argument \code{reg} or by one of the way described above) does not contain any dashes \sQuote{-}, \code{predict} returns a \code{\linkS4class{CCProfile}} object containing the classification result and the prediction profile. If the heptad register contains dashes \sQuote{-}, \code{predict} returns a list of \code{\linkS4class{CCProfile}} objects, each corresponding to the prediction profile of one of the coiled coil segments contained in the sequence. The names of the components are of the format \dQuote{s_e}, where \sQuote{s} denotes the start position and \sQuote{e} denotes the end position of the respective coiled coil sequence in the original sequence. \code{show} returns an invisible \code{NULL} } \references{\url{http://www.bioinf.jku.at/software/procoil/} Mahrenholz, C.C., Abfalter, I.G., Bodenhofer, U., Volkmer, R., and Hochreiter, S. (2011) Complex networks govern coiled coil oligomerization - predicting and profiling by means of a machine learning approach. Mol. Cell. Proteomics. DOI: 10.1074/mcp.M110.004994} \author{Ulrich Bodenhofer \email{bodenhofer@bioinf.jku.at}} \seealso{\code{\link{procoil}}, \code{\linkS4class{CCModel}}, \code{\linkS4class{CCProfile}}} \examples{ ## predict oligomerization of GCN4 wildtype GCN4wt<-predict(PrOCoilModel, "MKQLEDKVEELLSKNYHLENEVARLKKLV", "abcdefgabcdefgabcdefgabcdefga") ## show and plot results GCN4wt plot(GCN4wt) ## predict oligomerization of unknown sequence (Marcoil example) MarcoilEx<-predict(PrOCoilModel, "MGECDQLLVFMITSRVLVLSTLIIMDSRQVYLENLRQFAENLRQNIENVHSFLENLRADLENLRQKFPGKWYSAMPGRHG", "-------------------------------abcdefgabcdefgabcdefgabcdefgabcdefg--------------") ## show and plot results MarcoilEx plot(MarcoilEx[[1]]) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{classif} \keyword{models} \keyword{methods}