\name{net2topo} \alias{net2topo} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Function transforming a network model into an adjacency matrix: parents in rows, children in columns } \description{ This function transforms a network model into an adjacency matrix: parents in rows, children in columns. } \usage{ net2topo(net, coefficients=FALSE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{net}{ %% ~~Describe \code{net} here~~ } \item{coefficients}{ %% ~~Describe \code{coefficients} here~~ } } %%\details{ %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~ %%} \value{ Matrix of binary values (0=absence of an edge and 1=presence of an edge) or regression coefficients as estimated in the local regression models (input=parents nodes, output=target/child node) } %%\references{ %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ %%} \author{ Benjamin Haibe-Kains, Catharina Olsen } %%\note{ %% ~~further notes~~ %%} %% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ %%\seealso{ %%} \examples{ ## load gene expression data for colon cancer data, list of genes related to RAS signaling pathway and the corresponding priors data(expO.colon.ras) ## number of genes to select for the analysis genen <- 10 ## select only the top genes goi <- dimnames(annot.ras)[[1]][order(abs(log2(annot.ras[ ,"fold.change"])), decreasing=TRUE)[1:genen]] mydata <- data.ras[ , goi, drop=FALSE] myannot <- annot.ras[goi, , drop=FALSE] mypriors <- priors.ras[goi, goi, drop=FALSE] mydemo <- demo.ras ## regression-based network inference res <- netinf(data=mydata, categories=3, priors=mypriors, priors.weight=0.5, method="regrnet", seed=54321) ## extract adjacency matrix from inferred network net2topo(net=res) ## with coefficients net2topo(net=res, coefficients=TRUE) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ graphs } %%\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line