\name{plotNorm2} \alias{plotNorm2} \title{Plot fitted bivariate normal distribution.} \description{Plots objects derived from function \code{\link{fitNorm2}} in false color represenation. } \usage{ plotNorm2(fn, colrange=c("gray82", "blue"), center=TRUE, selection=FALSE, ellipse=FALSE, pch=20, cex=1, col="dens", ...) } \arguments{ \item{fn}{List. Object derived from function \code{\link{fitNorm2}}} \item{colrange}{Character vector with valid color identifiers (eg name or RGB values) from which a smooth color palette is derived.} \item{center}{Logical. Assign center of distribution.} \item{selection}{Logical. Mark all points beyond selection.} \item{ellipse}{Logical. Plot area and borders of selection as ellipse.} \item{pch}{see \code{par}} \item{cex}{see \code{par}} \item{col}{see \code{par} or special cases \code{dens} for coloring according to density and \code{prob} for coloring according to probability.} \item{...}{further arguments that are passed on to \code{plot}.} } \details{Produces a scatterplot of paired data showing the densities of the fitted bivariate distribution from function \code{\link{fitNorm2}} in false color representation. Additionally a selection of data points can be highlighted either by marking outliers or by showing its area. } \value{A list containing items \code{p, cov, mu, S} (density values for each data pair, resulting object from call to cov.rob, midpoint of distribution, covariance matrix). } \seealso{\code{\link{fitNorm2}}} \author{Florian Hahne} \examples{ sampdat <- readFCS(system.file("extdata", "fas-Bcl2-plate323-04-04.A01", package="prada")) nfit <- fitNorm2(exprs(sampdat[,1:2]), scalefac=2) plotNorm2(nfit, selection=TRUE, ellipse=TRUE) }