\name{unifracPair} \alias{unifracPair} \title{Calculate (unweighted) UniFrac for a pair of samples from an occurrence matrix.} \usage{ unifracPair(occ, tree, A, B) } \arguments{ \item{occ}{(Required). A matrix. A samples-by-species occurrence matrix.} \item{tree}{(Required). A rooted phylogenetic tree. \code{phylo} class.} \item{A}{(Required). Single character string. The name of sample \code{"A"}.} \item{B}{(Required). Single character string. The name of sample \code{"B"}.} } \value{ A single number between 0, 1. } \description{ Somewhat an internal function for \code{\link{UniFrac}}, as an investigator is usually interested in the UniFrac distances between many different samples. Returns a single numeric value, between 0 and 1. } \seealso{ See the main function, \code{\link{UniFrac}}. } \keyword{internal}