\name{tipsymbols} \alias{tipsymbols} \alias{tiptext} \title{Annotate tips on a tree with symbols or text.} \usage{ tipsymbols(tip, adj=c(0.5, 0.5), ...) tiptext(tip, adj = c(0.5, 0.5), ...) } \arguments{ \item{tip}{An integer specifying the tip ID in a tree that for which the base plot has already been generated and is still available to \code{R}.} \item{adj}{A 2 element numeric vector specifying a position adjustment.} \item{...}{Additional plotting parameters that are passed to \code{\link{points}} or \code{\link{text}} in the R base graphics. Again, for \code{tiptext()}, make sure to include a \code{labels=} argument.} } \value{ No objects returned. Symbol or text is plotted on the available graphic device. } \description{ There were some unexpected behavior from the \code{\link[ape]{tiplabels}} function in ape. These functions are intended to act as simplified versions that act as a convenience wrapper for \code{points()} or \code{text()} functions, respectively, but where the tip coordinates are specified by giving the tip ID (integer) as input. For \code{tiptext()}, make sure to include a \code{labels=} argument, which will be passed on to \code{\link[graphics]{text}}. } \examples{ # ## data(GlobalPatterns) ## # for reproducibility ## set.seed(711) ## ex2 <- prune_species(sample(species.names(GlobalPatterns), 50), GlobalPatterns) ## plot( tre(ex2) ) ## tipsymbols(pch=19) ## tipsymbols(1, pch=22, cex=3, col="red", bg="blue") ## tiptext(2, labels="my.label") } \seealso{ \code{\link[ape]{tiplabels}}, \code{\link[graphics]{points}}, \code{\link[graphics]{text}} }