\name{otu2df} \alias{otu2df} \title{Convert an otuTable object into a data.frame useful for plotting in the ggplot2 framework.} \usage{ otu2df(otu, taxavec, map, keepOnlyTheseTaxa=NULL, threshold=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{otu}{An \code{otuTable} object.} \item{taxavec}{A character vector of the desired taxonomic names to categorize each species in otu.} \item{map}{The corresponding sampleData object for \code{otu}.} \item{keepOnlyTheseTaxa}{A vector of the taxonomic labels that you want included. If NULL, the default, then all taxonomic labels are used, except for the empty character string, ``'', which is trimmed away.} \item{threshold}{A [0,1] numeric. Fraction of abundance of the taxonomic groups to keep for each sample. The higher the value, the larger the diversity of taxonomic groups included. That is, a greater number of the rare groups are included. If NULL (or 1), the default, all taxonomic groups are included.} } \description{ Convert an otuTable object into a data.frame useful for plotting in the ggplot2 framework. } \keyword{internal}