\name{import_qiime_sampleData} \alias{import_qiime_sampleData} \title{Import just \code{sampleData} file from QIIME pipeline.} \usage{ import_qiime_sampleData(mapfilename) } \arguments{ \item{mapfilename}{(Required). A character string. The name of the QIIME map file required for processing pyrosequencing tags in QIIME as well as some of the post-clustering analysis. This is a required input file for running QIIME. Its strict formatting specification is expected by this function, do not attempt to modify it manually once it has worked properly in QIIME.} } \value{ A \code{sampleData} object. } \description{ QIIME produces several files that can be analyzed in the phyloseq-package, This includes the map-file, which is an important \emph{input} to QIIME that can also indicate sample covariates. It is converted naturally to the sampleData component data type in phyloseq-package, based on the R data.frame. } \details{ See \code{\link{import_qiime}} for more information about QIIME. It is also the suggested function for importing QIIME-produced data files. } \seealso{ \code{\link{import_qiime}}, \code{\link{merge_phyloseq}}, \code{\link{phyloseq}}, \code{\link{import_qiime_otu_tax}} } \keyword{internal}