\name{import_qiime_otu_tax} \alias{import_qiime_otu_tax} \title{Import just OTU/Taxonomy file from QIIME pipeline.} \usage{ import_qiime_otu_tax(otufilename, biotaxonomy = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{otufilename}{A character string indicating the file location of the OTU file. The combined OTU abundance and taxonomic identification file, tab-delimited, as produced by QIIME under default output settings. Default value is \code{NULL}.} \item{biotaxonomy}{A character vector indicating the name of each taxonomic level in the taxonomy-portion of the otu-file, which may not specify these levels explicitly. Default value is \code{NULL}.} } \value{ An \code{otuTax} object. } \description{ QIIME produces several files that can be analyzed in the phyloseq-package, including especially an OTU file that typically contains both OTU-abundance and taxonomic identity information. } \details{ Add reference to the QIIME pipeline. } \seealso{ \code{\link{merge_phyloseq}}, \code{\link{phyloseq}}, \code{\link{import_qiime_sampleData}} } \keyword{internal}