\name{import_mothur_groups} \alias{import_mothur_groups} \title{Parse mothur group file into a simple hash table.} \usage{ import_mothur_groups(mothur_group_file) } \arguments{ \item{mothur_group_file}{A character string indicating the location of the \emph{mothur}-produced group file in which the sample-source of each sequence is recorded. See \code{http://www.mothur.org/wiki/Make.group}} } \value{ A data.frame that is effectively a hash table between sequence names and their sample source. } \description{ The data.frame object returned by this function is not immediately useable by other \emph{phyloseq} functions, and must be first parsed in conjunction with a separate \emph{mothur} \code{"list"} file. This function is made accessible to \emph{phyloseq} users for troubleshooting and inspection, but the \code{link{import_mothur()}} function is suggested if the goal is to import the OTU clustering results from \emph{mothur} into \emph{phyloseq}. You will need both a group file and a list file for that end. } \seealso{ \code{\link{import_mothur}} } \keyword{internal}