\name{getslots.phyloseq} \alias{getslots.phyloseq} \title{Return the non-empty slot names of a phyloseq object.} \usage{ getslots.phyloseq(physeq) } \arguments{ \item{physeq}{A \code{\link{phyloseq-class}} object. If \code{physeq} is a component data class, then just returns the class of \code{physeq}.} } \value{ identical to getSlots. A named character vector of the slot classes of a particular S4 class, where each element is named by the slot name it represents. If \code{physeq} is a component data object, then a vector of length (1) is returned, named according to its slot name in the \code{\link{phyloseq-class}}. } \description{ Like \code{\link{getSlots}}, but returns the class name if argument is component data object. } \examples{ # data(GlobalPatterns) getslots.phyloseq(GlobalPatterns) data(esophagus) getslots.phyloseq(esophagus) } \seealso{ merge_phyloseq }