\name{export_env_file} \alias{export_env_file} \title{Export environment (ENV) file for UniFrac Server.} \usage{ export_env_file(physeq, file = "", writeTree = TRUE, return = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{physeq}{(Required). Experiment-level (\code{\link{phyloseq-class}}) object. Ideally this also contains the phylogenetic tree, which is also exported by default.} \item{file}{(Optional). The file path for export. If not-provided, the expectation is that you will want to set \code{return} to \code{TRUE}, and manipulate the ENV table on your own. Default is \code{""}, skipping the ENV file from being written to a file.} \item{writeTree}{(Optional). Write the phylogenetic tree as well as the the ENV table. Default is \code{TRUE}.} \item{return}{(Optional). Should the ENV table be returned to the R workspace? Default is \code{FALSE}.} } \description{ Creates the environment table that is needed for the original UniFrac algorithm. Useful for cross-checking, or if want to use UniFrac server. Optionally the ENV-formatted table can be returned to the \code{R} workspace, and the tree component can be exported as Nexus format (Recommended). } \examples{ # # Load example data # data(esophagus) # export_env_file(esophagus, "~/Desktop/esophagus.txt") }