\name{write.html} \alias{write.html} \title{ Write a data.frame to an html file. } \description{ Creates an html file with links and plots from a table. } \usage{ write.html(x, links, tiny.pic, tiny.pic.size = 100, title = "", file, digits = 3) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ Object of class \code{data.frame}. } \item{links}{ Object of class \code{list} with one item per column in x. If we want the ith column of x to have links to a site or local file we will have to write those links into the ith element of links. } \item{tiny.pic}{ Object of class \code{list} with one item per column in x. If we want the ith column of x to show plots instead of text we will have to write the path to the plots into the ith element of links. } \item{tiny.pic.size}{ size of the pictures if any. } \item{title}{ Title that will be shown on top of the html file. } \item{file}{ path and name of the file that will be created. } \item{digits}{ number of digits that will be shown in numeric columns of x. } } \author{ Evarist Planet } \seealso{ write.csv, write.table, htmlpage } \examples{ ## ##Code has been commented to avoid the creation of files ## #(x <- data.frame(gene.symbol=c('AARS','ABCF1','ABLIM1'),value=c(2.054,30.024,5.0221),plot=rep('Open',3))) #tiny.pic <- links <- vector('list',length=ncol(x)) #links[[1]] <- paste('http://www.genecards.org/index.php?path=/Search/keyword/',x[,1]) #for (i in 1:nrow(x)) { # png(paste('~/Desktop/',x[i,1],'.png',sep='')) # plot(1:3,log(1:3)) # dev.off() #} #tiny.pic[[3]] <- links[[3]] <- paste(x[,1],'.png',sep='') #write.html(x,links=links,tiny.pic=tiny.pic,file='~/Desktop/x.html',title='My html test') } \keyword{ ~kwd1 }