\name{gseaSignificanceSign-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{gseaSignificanceSign-class} \title{Class "gseaSignificanceSign"} \description{This object contains the results of the test of enrichment that was performed on each gene set. There is one container for every gene signature.} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("gseaSignificanceSign", ...)}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{.Data}:}{Object of class \code{"list"} .} \item{\code{gseaSignificance}:}{Object of class \code{"matrix"} Contains the statistics. Use the \code{summary} method to access this information.} \item{\code{p.adjust.method}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} The p-value adjustment method that was used.} } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"\linkS4class{list}"}, from data part. Class \code{"\linkS4class{vector}"}, by class "list", distance 2. Class \code{"\linkS4class{AssayData}"}, by class "list", distance 2. } \section{Methods}{ No methods defined with class "gseaSignificanceSign" in the signature. } \author{Evarist Planet} \examples{ showClass("gseaSignificanceSign") } \keyword{classes}