\name{gsea2html} \alias{gsea2html} \title{ Export an object of class gseaData to an html file. } \description{ Exports \code{gseaData} objects to html files with plots and links to online databases. } \usage{ gsea2html(gseaData, epheno, variable, title = "", path, file, digits = 3, plotEs = FALSE, limit=100) } \arguments{ \item{gseaData}{ an object of class \code{gseaData}.} \item{epheno}{ the object of class \code{epheno} that was used to create \code{gseaData}.} \item{variable}{ varible that we are interested in.} \item{title}{ title that will be shown on top of the table.} \item{path}{ directory where we want to store the html files.} \item{file}{ filename.} \item{digits}{ Number of decimal digits that will be shown on the table.} \item{plotEs}{ if this is TRUE enrichment score plots will be plotted instead of normalized enrichment score plots.} \item{limit}{ maximum number of gene sets that will be exported.} } \details{ This function produces a browseable version of the table that we can obtain with \code{summary(gseaData)}. We will obtain one plot per NES (or ES) and we will be able to see which genes belong to each gene set and the values they have in the \code{epheno} object. } \author{ Evarist Planet } \examples{ #WITH PROBESET AS IDENTIFIER data(eset) data(epheno) set.seed(777) sign1 <- sample(featureNames(eset))[1:20] sign2 <- sample(featureNames(eset))[1:50] mySignature <- list(sign1,sign2) names(mySignature) <- c('My first signature','Another signature') mySignature mygsea <- gsea(x=epheno[,1],gsets=mySignature,B=100,p.adjust='BH') summary(mygsea) #following line has been commented to prevent the creation of files #gsea2html(gseaData=mygsea,epheno=epheno,variable=phenoNames(epheno)[1],title='My test',path='~/Desktop',file='myGSEA.html') #WITH ENTREZID AS IDENTIFIER data(eset.genelevel) eset.genelevel set.seed(777) sign1 <- sample(featureNames(eset.genelevel))[1:20] sign2 <- sample(featureNames(eset.genelevel))[1:50] mySignature.genelevel <- list(sign1,sign2) names(mySignature.genelevel) <- c('My first signature','Another signature') mySignature.genelevel epheno.genelevel <- ExpressionPhenoTest(eset.genelevel,vars2test=list(categorical='lymph.node.status')) mygsea.genelevel <- gsea(x=epheno.genelevel,gsets=mySignature.genelevel,B=100,p.adjust='BH') summary(mygsea.genelevel) #following line has been commented to prevent the creation of files #gsea2html(gseaData=mygsea.genelevel,epheno=epheno.genelevel,variable=phenoNames(epheno.genelevel),title='My test (at genelevel)',path='~/Desktop',file='myGSEA_genelevel.html') } \keyword{ ~kwd1 }