\name{get gseaSignatures' elements} \alias{getEs} \alias{getEsSim} \alias{getNes} \alias{getFcHr} \docType{data} \title{ Substract element's of a gseaSignaturesSign or gseaSignaturesVar object (obtained using the gseaSignatures function). } \description{ getEs returns ES (enrichment scores) getEsSim returns simulated ES (needed to compute pvals), getNes returns NES (normalized enrichment scores) and getFcHr returns the fold changes or hazard used to compute the ES, simulated ES and NES. } \usage{ getEs(x) getEsSim(x) getNes(x) getFcHr(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ an \code{gseaSignaturesSign} or \code{gseaSignaturesVar} object. Those objects are obtained using the \code{gseaSignatures} function.} } \keyword{datasets} \author{ Evarist Planet }