\name{epheno2html} \alias{epheno2html} \title{ Create html files and plots from an epheno object. } \description{ Creates html files and plots using an epheno object, which stores the association between a list of variables and gene expression. } \usage{ epheno2html(x, epheno, outputdir, prefix = "", genelimit = 50, categories = 3, withPlots = TRUE, mc.cores = 1) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{An object of class \code{ExpressionSet} (used to generate the epheno object) containing expression levels in exprs(x), phenotype information in pData(x) and annotation in annotation(x).} \item{epheno}{an object produced by ExpressionPhenoTest. this object will contain univariate association between a list of phenotype variables and gene expression as weel as p-values.} \item{outputdir}{where to place files.} \item{prefix}{will be used to add a text to the beginning of the files that will be created.} \item{genelimit}{maximum number of genes on the list.} \item{categories}{Number of categories used for continuous variables. It has to be the same as the one used for ExpressionPhenoTest.} \item{withPlots}{when FALSE no plots will be produced. Makes the process faster.} \item{mc.cores}{number of cores that will be used to run the process.} } \author{ Evarist Planet } \examples{ #Example on building homology tables for human. #mart <- useMart("ensembl", "hsapiens_gene_ensembl") #homol.symbol <- getLDS(attributes = c("entrezgene"), # mart = mart, attributesL = c("external_gene_id"), # martL = mart, filters = "entrezgene", values = entrezid) #mart <- useMart("ensembl", "hsapiens_gene_ensembl") #homol.genename <- getLDS(attributes = c("entrezgene"), # mart = mart, attributesL = c("description"), martL = mart, # filters = "entrezgene", values = entrezid) }