\name{ExpressionPhenoTest} \alias{ExpressionPhenoTest} \docType{data} \title{Tests univariate association between a list of phenotype variables and gene expression.} \description{ Tests univariate association between a list of phenotype variables and gene expression. } \usage{ ExpressionPhenoTest(x, vars2test, adjustVars, p.adjust.method='BH',continuousCategories=3,mc.cores,approach='frequentist') } \arguments{ \item{x}{ ExpressionSet containing expression levels in \code{exprs(x)} and phenotype information in \code{pData(x)}.} \item{vars2test}{ list with components 'continuous', 'categorical', 'ordinal' and 'survival' indicating which phenotype variables should be tested. 'continuous', 'categorical' and 'ordinal' must be character vectors, 'survival' a matrix with columns named 'time' and 'event'. The names must match names in names(pData(x)).} \item{adjustVars}{ variables that will be used as adjustment variables when fitting linear models and/or cox models. This variables have to exist in \code{colnames(pData(x))}.} \item{p.adjust.method}{ method for p-value adjustment, passed on to \code{p.adjust}. Valid values are c("holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none").} \item{continuousCategories}{ number of categories used for continuous variables.} \item{mc.cores}{ the number of cores to use, i.e. how many processes will be spawned (at most).} \item{approach}{ this can be either 'frequentist' or 'bayesian'. With frequentist pvalues will be computed. With 'bayesian' posterior probabilities will be computed.} } \details{ If approach is 'frequentist': -The effect of both continuous, categorical and ordinal phenotype variables on gene expression levels are tested via lmFit. -For ordinal variables a single coefficient is used to test its effect on gene expression (trend test), which is then used to obtain a P-value (means for each category are reported in the output). -Gene expression effects on survival are tested via Cox proportional hazards model, as implemented in function 'coxph'. If approach is bayesian posterior probabilities are computed comparing the BIC of a model with the variable of interest as explanatory variable against the BIC of the same model without the variable of interest as explanatory variable. } \value{ The output is an \code{epheno} object, which basically extends an \code{ExpressionSet} object. The means, fold changes, standarized hazard ratios and pvalues are stored in the \code{experimentData} slot which is accessible with the \code{exprs} method. Information about the kind of information of each variable can be found in the \code{phenoData} slot which is accessible with the \code{pData} method. There are several methods that can be used to access the information stored in an \code{epheno} object. For more information please type one of the following: \code{getFc(x), getHr(x), getMeans(x), getSignif, getPvals(x), getPostProbs, getSummaryDif(x), logFcHr(x), p.adjust.method(x), phenoClass(x), phenoNames(x)}. } \references{ Kass R.E. and Wasserman L. A Reference Bayesian Test for Nested Hypotheses and its Relationship to the Schwarz Criterion. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 90, pp. 928-934. } \keyword{datasets} \examples{ #load eset data(eset) eset #prepare vars2test survival <- matrix(c("Relapse","Months2Relapse"),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE) colnames(survival) <- c('event','time') vars2test <- list(survival=survival) #run ExpressionPhenoTest epheno <- ExpressionPhenoTest(eset,vars2test,p.adjust.method='none') epheno } \author{ David Rossell }