\name{residuals.pcaRes} \title{Residuals values from a PCA model.} \usage{residuals.pcaRes(object, data=completeObs(object), ...)} \description{This function extracts the residuals values from a pcaRes object for the PCA methods SVD, Nipals, PPCA and BPCA} \value{A \code{matrix} with the residuals} \alias{residuals.pcaRes} \keyword{multivariate} \author{Henning Redestig} \arguments{\item{object}{\code{pcaRes} the \code{pcaRes} object of interest.} \item{data}{\code{matrix} The data that was used to calculate the PCA model (or a different dataset to e.g. adress its proximity to the model).} \item{...}{Passed on to \code{\link{predict.pcaRes}}. E.g. setting the number of used components.}} \examples{data(iris) pcIr <- pca(iris[,1:4]) head(residuals(pcIr, iris[,1:4]))}