\name{plotPcs} \alias{plotPcs} \title{Plot many side by side scores XOR loadings plots} \usage{plotPcs(object, pcs=1:nP(object), type=c("scores", "loadings"), sl, hotelling=0.95, ...)} \description{A function that can be used to visualise many PCs plotted against each other} \details{Uses \code{\link{pairs}} to provide side-by-side plots. Note that this function only plots scores or loadings but not both in the same plot.} \value{None, used for side effect.} \seealso{\code{prcomp}, \code{pca}, \code{princomp}, \code{slplot}} \keyword{multivariate} \author{Henning Redestig} \arguments{\item{object}{\code{pcaRes} a pcaRes object} \item{pcs}{\code{numeric} which pcs to plot} \item{type}{\code{character} Either "scores" or "loadings" for scores or loadings plot respectively} \item{sl}{\code{character} Text labels to plot instead of a point, if NULL points are plotted instead of text} \item{hotelling}{\code{numeric} Significance level for the confidence ellipse. NULL means that no ellipse is drawn.} \item{...}{Further arguments to \code{\link{pairs}} on which this function is based.}} \examples{data(iris) pcIr <- pca(iris[,1:4], nPcs=3, method="svd") plotPcs(pcIr, col=as.integer(iris[,4]) + 1)}