\name{nniRes} \title{Class for representing a nearest neighbour imputation result} \description{This is a class representation of nearest neighbour imputation (nni) result} \details{\bold{Creating Objects}\cr \code{new("nniRes", completeObs=[the estimated complete observations], k=[cluster size], nObs=[amount of observations], nVar=[amount of variables], centered=[was the data centered befor running LLSimpute], center=[original means], method=[method used to perform clustering], missing=[amount of NAs])} \bold{Slots}\cr \describe{ \item{completeObs}{"matrix", the estimated complete observations} \item{nObs}{"numeric", amount of observations} \item{nVar}{"numeric", amount of variables} \item{correlation}{"character", the correlation method used (pearson, kendall or spearman)} \item{centered}{"logical", data was centered or not} \item{center}{"numeric", the original variable centers} \item{k}{"numeric", cluster size} \item{method}{"character", the method used to perform the clustering} \item{missing}{"numeric", the total amount of missing values in original data} } \bold{Methods}\cr \describe{ \item{print}{Print function} }} \docType{class} \keyword{classes} \alias{nniRes} \alias{nniRes-class} \author{Wolfram Stacklies}