\name{cvseg} \alias{cvseg} \title{Get CV segments} \usage{cvseg(x, fold=7, seed)} \description{Get cross-validation segments that have (as far as possible) the same ratio of all classes (if classes are present)} \value{a list where each element is a set of indices that defines the CV segment.} \seealso{the \code{cvsegments} function in the \code{pls} package} \author{Henning Redestig} \arguments{\item{x}{a factor, character or numeric vector that describes class membership of a set of items, or, a numeric vector indicating unique indices of items, or, a numeric of length 1 that describes the number of items to segment (without any classes)} \item{fold}{the desired number of segments} \item{seed}{randomization seed for reproducibility}} \examples{seg <- cvseg(iris$Species, 10) sapply(seg, function(s) table(iris$Species[s])) cvseg(20, 10)}