\name{asExprSet} \alias{asExprSet} \title{Convert pcaRes object to an expression set} \usage{asExprSet(object, exprSet)} \description{This function can be used to conveniently replace the expression matrix in an \code{ExpressionSet} with the completed data from a \code{pcaRes} object.} \details{This is not a standard \code{as} function as \code{pcaRes} object alone not can be converted to an \code{ExpressionSet} (the \code{pcaRes} object does not hold any \code{phenoData} for example).} \value{An object without missing values of class \code{ExpressionSet}.} \author{Wolfram Stacklies \cr CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology, Shanghai, China} \keyword{multivariate} \arguments{\item{object}{\code{pcaRes} -- The object containing the completed data.} \item{exprSet}{\code{ExpressionSet} -- The object passed on to \code{pca} for missing value estimation.}}