\name{primoData} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{primoData} \title{ primoData } \description{ primoData calculated the data objects used by primo(). } \usage{ primoData(promoters, matrices, cleanUpPromoters = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{promoters}{ a list with promoter data. See details. } \item{matrices}{ a list with matrices. See details. } \item{cleanUpPromoters}{ Should some house-keeping procedures (remove dublets, map common name etc.) be preformed on promoters? } } \details{ primoData makes a custom data object for function primo(). primoData needs 2 arguments: promoters and matrices. promoter must consist of 2 list: a list with the RefSeq names for all the promoters and a list with all the promoter sequences in lowercase letters. The length of the two lists must be the same. The function pcaGoPromoters:::primoData.getPromoter( filename ) can be used to load promoter from a file in FASTA format. matrices must consist of one list of lists. Each list element must have a unique name and holds 3 data elements: baseId, name and pwm. baseId is a character vector with a base id. name is a character vector with the common name for the matrix. pwm is a position weighted matrix with the base A,C,G,T in rows and the weights in columns. Example of promoter and matrices data types is shown in the wiki at: ??? primoData returns an object of type primoData. It contains to list - threshold and promotersRefseqs. thresholds is a list of lists. Each list element have a unique name and holds 4 data elements: baseId, name, pwmLength and maxScores. baseId is a charactor vector with a base id. name is a character vector with the common name for the matrix. pwmLength is the length of the position weighted matrix. maxScores holds the max score from all the promoters. promotersRefseq is a list with the Refseq names for all the promoters. Some promoters can have one that one refseq name. These names maps to the maxScores from thresholds. } \value{ primoData returns an object to be used by primo() as argument primoData. } \references{ Stegmann, A., Hansen, M., et al. (2006). "Metabolome, transcriptome, and bioinformatic cis-element analyses point to HNF-4 as a central regulator of gene expression during enterocyte differentiation." Physiological Genomics 27(2): 141-155. } \author{ Morten Hansen \email{mhansen@sund.ku.dk} and Jorgen Olsen \email{jolsen@sund.ku.dk} } \note{ primoData takes very long time (many hours) to run. Install package 'multicore' and use a computer with multiple cores. } \examples{ \dontrun{ myPrimoData <- primoData( myPromoters, myMatrices) } } \keyword{ methods }