\name{GOtree} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{GOtree} \alias{print.GOtree} \alias{plot.GOtree} \alias{GOtreeHits} \alias{GOtreeWithLeaveOut} \title{ GOtree, plot.GOtree and GOtreeWithLeaveOneOut } \description{ GOtree finds significantly overrepresented Gene Ontology terms in a list of probes (only Biological processes) and return an object of type 'GOtree'. print.GOtree list significant GO terms from an object of type 'GOtree'. plot.GOtree creates a visual representation of the GO connection from an object of type 'GOtree'. GOtreeHits return the genes/probes for a specific GO term. GOtreeWithLeaveOut returns the same as \code{GOtree}, but run through the samples multiple times with 'Leave one out' cross-validation. } \usage{ GOtree(input, inputType = "hgu133plus2", org = "Hs", statisticalTest = "binom", binomAlpha = NA, p.adjust.method = "fdr") \method{print}{GOtree}(x, ...) \method{plot}{GOtree}(x, boxes = 25, legendPosition = "topright", main = "Gene Ontology tree, biological processes", ...) GOtreeHits(input, inputType = "hgu133plus2", org = "Hs", GOid, returnGeneSymbols = TRUE) GOtreeWithLeaveOut(exprsData, inputType = "hgu133plus2", org = "Hs", pc = 1, decreasing = TRUE, noProbes = 1000, leaveOut = 1, runs = NCOL(exprsData)) } \arguments{ \item{input}{ a character vector of Affymetrix probe ids, gene symbols or Entres gene IDs. } \item{inputType}{ a character vector description the input type. Must be Affymetrix chip type, "geneSymbol" or "entrezID". The following Affymetrix chip type are supported: hgu133plus2, mouse4302, rat2302, hugene10st and mogene10st. Default is Affymetrix chip type "hgu133plus2". } \item{org}{ a character vector with the organism. Can be "Hs", "Mm" or "Rn". Only needed if \code{inputType} is "geneSymbol" or "entrezID". See details. Default is "Hs". } \item{statisticalTest}{ a character vector with the statistical method to be used. Can be "binom" or "fisher". Default is "binom". } \item{binomAlpha}{ a value with the pvalue for use in self contained test. } \item{p.adjust.method}{ the method for adjust p-values due to multiple testing. This will come in a separate column. } \item{x}{ an object of type 'GOtree'. } \item{boxes}{ an integer indication the amount of boxes (terms) in the plot. } \item{legendPosition}{ a vector description the position of the legend. See ?xy.coords for possibilities. Set to NULL for no legend. Default is "topright". } \item{main}{ a title for the GO tree plot } \item{...}{ other parameters to be passed through to plotting functions. } \item{GOid}{ a vector with the GO term of interest. } \item{returnGeneSymbols}{ a logical indication whether gene symbols or probe ids should be returned. Default is gene symbols. } \item{exprsData}{ A table with expression data. Row names should be probe identifiers (Affymetrix Probe set ID, Gene Symbols or Entrez gene ID). Column names should be sample identifiers. } \item{pc}{ a number indication which principal component to extract the probe list based on the loading values from the pca. } \item{decreasing}{ a logical value indication whether the loadings should be sorted in decreasing of ascending order ( \code{decreasing == FALSE} ). Decreasing order yields information about the positive direction and ascending order about the negative direction of the particular principal component. } \item{noProbes}{ a number indicating the number of probes included in the calculations } \item{leaveOut}{ a number indication what percentage to leave out in the cross-validation. If set to 1, each observation would be left out once and runs is set equal to number of observations. Deafault is 1. } \item{runs}{ a number indicating how many times to run with leave out. If leaveOut = 1, runs is overrided with number of observations. } } \details{ GOtree returns a GOtree object. In contains a list of significant GO terms. plot() generated a visual plot of the GO tree. GOtreeHits returns a vector with the genes/probes in a specific GO term. GOtreeWithLeaveOut repeats function GOtree, but with different input. GOtreeWithLeaveOut takes a table of expression data as input, performs PCA, extracts probes / genes for the specified principal component and subsequenly performs GOtree. This is repeated the specified number of times. It can run with leave one out or with leave out a percentage. Only the GO terms that is found overrepresented in all the runs "qualifies" and a new p-value is calculated as the median of the p-value from all the runs. An object of type GOtree is returned. } \value{ GOtree returns a object of type GOtree. GOtreeWithLeaveOut returns a object of type GOtree. } \author{ Morten Hansen \email{mhansen@sund.ku.dk} and Jorgen Olsen \email{jolsen@sund.ku.dk} } \note{ GOtreeWithLeaveOut may take some time to run - depending on the number of samples. } \examples{ library(serumStimulation) data(serumStimulation) pcaOutput <- pca( serumStimulation ) posLoadings <- getRankedProbeIds( x=pcaOutput ) GOs <- GOtree( input=posLoadings[1:1000] ) GOs plot(GOs, legendPosition=NULL) \dontrun{ GOs <- GOtreeWithLeaveOut( exprsData=serumStimulation ) } } \keyword{ methods }