\name{chromosome-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{chromosome-methods} \alias{chromosome} \alias{chromosome<-} \alias{chromosome,AnnotatedDataFrame-method} \alias{chromosome,SnpSet-method} \alias{chromosome,gSet-method} \alias{chromosome,GenomeAnnotatedDataFrame-method} \alias{chromosome,RangedDataCNV-method} \alias{chromosome<-,SnpSet,integer-method} \alias{chromosome<-,gSet,integer-method} \alias{chromosome<-,GenomeAnnotatedDataFrame,integer-method} \title{ Methods for function chromosome in package oligoClasses} \description{ Methods for function \code{chromosome} in package \pkg{oligoClasses} ~~ } \section{Methods}{ The methods for \code{chromosome} extracts the chromosome (represented as an integer) for each marker in a \code{eSet}-derived class or a \code{AnnotatedDataFrame}-derived class. \describe{ \item{\code{signature(object = "AnnotatedDataFrame")}}{ Accessor for chromosome. } \item{\code{signature(object = "eSet")}}{ If 'chromosome' is included in \code{fvarLabels(object)}, the integer representation of the chromosome will be returned. Otherwise, an error is thrown. } \item{\code{signature(object = "GenomeAnnotatedDataFrame")}}{ Accessor for chromosome. If annotation was not available due to a missing or non-existent annotation package, the value returned by the accessor will be a vector of zero's.} \item{}{\code{(chromosome(object) <- value)}: Assign chromosome to the \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} slot of an \code{eSet}-derived \code{object}.} \item{\code{signature(object = "RangedDataCNV")}}{Accessor for chromosome.} } } \note{ Integer representation: chr X = 23, chr Y = 24, chr XY = 25. Symbols M, Mt, and MT are coded as 26. } \examples{ chromosome2integer(c(1:22, "X", "Y", "XY", "M")) } \seealso{\code{\link{chromosome2integer}}} \keyword{methods}