\name{batchStatistics} \alias{batchStatistics} \alias{batchStatistics<-} \title{ Accessor for batch statistics uses for copy number estimation and storage of model parameters } \description{ The \code{batchStatistics} slot contains statistics estimated from each batch that are used to derive copy number estimates. } \usage{ batchStatistics(object) batchStatistics(object) <- value } \arguments{ \item{object}{ An object of class \code{CNSet}} \item{value}{An object of class \code{AssayData}} } \details{ An object of class \code{AssayData} for slot \code{batchStatistics} is initialized automatically when creating a new \code{CNSet} instance. Required in the call to \code{new} is a factor called \code{batch} whose unique values determine the number of columns for each assay data element. } \value{ \code{batchStatics} is an accessor for the slot \code{batchStatistics} that returns an object of class \code{AssayData}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{CNSet-class}}, \code{\link{batchNames}}, \code{\link{batch}} } \keyword{manip} \keyword{methods}