\name{RangedDataCNV-utils} \alias{RangedDataCBS} \alias{RangedDataHMM} \alias{RangedDataCNV} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Utility functions for RangedData extensions for storing ranged data on copy number variants. } \description{ Mostly accessors for extracting data from \code{RangedDataCBS} and \code{RangedDataHMM} objects. } \usage{ RangedDataCNV(ranges = IRanges(), values, start, end, chromosome, coverage, sampleId, startIndexInChromosome, endIndexInChromosome, ...) RangedDataCBS(ranges = IRanges(), seg.mean = vector("numeric", length(ranges)), ...) RangedDataHMM(ranges=IRanges(), state=vector("integer",length(ranges)),...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{ranges}{An instance of \code{IRanges} class.} \item{values}{A \code{DataFrame} object.} \item{start}{integer -- physical position indicating start of copy number segment} \item{end}{integer -- physical position indicating end of copy number segment} \item{chromosome}{integer indicating chromosome} \item{sampleId}{character string} \item{startIndexInChromosome}{index of marker within the chromosome for the beginning of the copy number segment. The physical position of this marker is given by 'start'. Optional} \item{endIndexInChromosome}{index of marker within the chromosome for the end of the copy number segment. The physical position of this marker is given by 'end'. Optional} \item{seg.mean}{ Numeric -- e.g., the mean copy number of a genomic interval } \item{coverage}{number of markers in a segment} \item{state}{typically an integer corresponding to the inferred copy number from a hidden markov model} \item{\dots}{Additional covariates that can be accessed by \code{$} method} % \item{value}{A character vector of sample identifiers} } \details{ \code{RangedDataCNV}, \code{RangedDataHMM}, and \code{RangedDataCBS} are constructors for the corresponding class.} \value{ A \code{RangedDataCNV}-derived class } \author{ R. Scharpf } %% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ \seealso{ See \code{\linkS4class{RangedData}} for additional details and methods for objects of the class. \code{\linkS4class{RangedDataHMM}} } \examples{ if(require("IRanges")){ ranges <- IRanges(c(1,2,3),c(4,5,6)) chrom <- 1:3 id <- letters[1:3] num.mark <- rpois(3, 10) seg.mean <- rnorm(3) rd <- RangedDataCBS(ranges=ranges, chromosome=chrom, sampleId=id, coverage=num.mark, seg.mean=seg.mean) ## accessors chromosome(rd) sampleNames(rd) coverage2(rd) rd.hmm <- RangedDataHMM(ranges=ranges, chromosome=chrom, sampleId=id, coverage=num.mark, state=2L) ## accessors chromosome(rd.hmm) sampleNames(rd.hmm) coverage2(rd.hmm) state(rd.hmm) } } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{utilities}