\name{CNSet-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{CNSet-class} \alias{CNSet} \alias{[,CNSet-method} \alias{A,CNSet-method} \alias{A<-,CNSet-method} \alias{allele,CNSet-method} \alias{B,CNSet-method} \alias{B<-,CNSet-method} \alias{batch,CNSet-method} \alias{batchNames,CNSet-method} \alias{batchNames<-,CNSet-method} \alias{batchStatistics,CNSet-method} \alias{batchStatistics<-,CNSet,AssayData-method} \alias{calls,CNSet-method} \alias{calls<-,CNSet,matrix-method} \alias{close,CNSet-method} \alias{coerce,CNSetLM,CNSet-method} \alias{coerce,CNSet,CopyNumberSet-method} \alias{coerce,CNSet,oligoSnpSet} \alias{coerce,CNSet,oligoSnpSet-method} \alias{confs,CNSet-method} \alias{confs<-,CNSet,matrix-method} \alias{corr,CNSet,character-method} \alias{flags,CNSet-method} \alias{initialize,CNSet-method} \alias{initialize,CNSetLM-method} %\alias{lM,CNSet-method} \alias{nu,CNSet,character-method} \alias{open,CNSet-method} \alias{phi,CNSet,character-method} \alias{show,CNSet-method} \alias{snpCallProbability,CNSet-method} \alias{sigma2,CNSet,character-method} \alias{tau2,CNSet,character-method} \alias{updateObject,CNSet-method} \title{Class "CNSet"} \description{ CNSet is a container for intermediate data and parameters pertaining to allele-specific copy number estimation. Methods for CNSet objects, including accessors for linear model parameters and allele-specific copy number are included here. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ An object from the class is not generally intended to be initialized by the user, but returned by the \code{genotype} function in the \code{crlmm} package. The following creates a very basic \code{CNSet} with \code{assayData} containing the required elements. \code{new(CNSet, alleleA=new("matrix"), alleleB=new("matrix"), call=new("matrix"), callProbability=new("matrix"), batch=new("factor"))} } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{batch}:}{Object of class \code{"factor"} ~~ } \item{\code{batchStatistics}:}{Object of class \code{"AssayData"} ~~ } \item{\code{assayData}:}{Object of class \code{"AssayData"} ~~ } \item{\code{phenoData}:}{Object of class \code{"AnnotatedDataFrame"} ~~ } \item{\code{featureData}:}{Object of class \code{"AnnotatedDataFrame"} ~~ } \item{\code{experimentData}:}{Object of class \code{"MIAME"} ~~ } \item{\code{annotation}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} ~~ } \item{\code{protocolData}:}{Object of class \code{"AnnotatedDataFrame"} ~~ } \item{\code{mixtureParams}:}{Object of class \code{"matrix"}~~} \item{\code{.__classVersion__}:}{Object of class \code{"Versions"} ~~ } } } \section{Methods}{ The argument \code{object} for the following methods is a \code{CNSet}. \describe{ \item{}{\code{object[i, j]}: subset the \code{CNSet} object by markers (i) and/or samples (j). } \item{}{\code{A(objet)}: accessor for the normalized intensities of allele A} \item{}{\code{A(object) <- value}: replace intensities for the A allele intensities by \code{value}. The object \code{value} must be a \code{matrix}, \code{ff_matrix}, or \code{ffdf}.} \item{}{\code{allele(object, allele)}: accessor for the normalized intensities for the A or B allele. The argument for \code{allele} must be either 'A' or 'B'} \item{}{\code{B(objet)}: accessor for the normalized intensities of allele B} \item{}{\code{B(object) <- value}: replace intensities for the B allele intensities by \code{value}. The object \code{value} must be a \code{matrix}, \code{ff_matrix}, or \code{ffdf}.} \item{}{\code{batch(object)}: vector of batch labels for each sample.} \item{}{\code{batchNames(object)}: the unique batch names} %\item{batchNames<-}{\code{signature(object = "CNSet")}: ... } \item{}{\code{batchNames(object) <- value}: relabel the batches} \item{}{\code{calls(object)}: accessor for genotype calls coded as 1 (AA), 2 (AB), or 3 (BB). Nonpolymorphic markers are \code{NA}.} \item{}{\code{confs(object)}: accessor for the genotype confidence scores.} \item{}{\code{close(object)}: close any open file connections to \code{ff} objects stored in the \code{CNSet} object.} %\item{coerce}{\code{signature(from="CNSet")}: ... } \item{}{\code{as(object, "oligoSnpSet")}: coerce a \code{CNSet} object to an object of class \code{oligoSnpSet} -- a container for the total copy number and genotype calls.} % \item{corr}{\code{signature(object = "CNSet", allele = % "character")}: ... } \item{}{\code{corr(object)}: the correlation of the A and B intensities within each genotype.} %\item{flags}{\code{signature(object="CNSet")}: SNP flags } \item{}{\code{flags(object)}: flags to indicate possible problems with the copy number estimation. Not fully implemented at this point.} \item{}{\code{new("CNSet")}: instantiating a \code{CNSet} object.} \item{}{\code{nu(object, allele)}: accessor for the intercept (background) for the A and B alleles. The value of \code{allele} must be 'A' or 'B'.} \item{}{\code{open(object)} open file connections for all \code{ff} objects stored in the \code{CNSet} object.} \item{}{\code{nu(object, allele)}: accessor for the slope for the A and B alleles. The value of \code{allele} must be 'A' or 'B'.} \item{}{\code{sigma2(object, allele)}: accessor for the within genotype variance} \item{}{\code{tau2(object, allele)}: accessor for background variance} } } \author{ R. Scharpf } \examples{ new("CNSet") } \keyword{classes}