\name{getA} \alias{getA} \alias{getM} \alias{getA,SnpQSet-method} \alias{getM,SnpQSet-method} \alias{getA,SnpCnvQSet-method} \alias{getM,SnpCnvQSet-method} \alias{getM,TilingFeatureSet2-method} \alias{getA,TilingFeatureSet2-method} \alias{A} \alias{A,AlleleSet-method} \alias{A<-} \alias{A<-,AlleleSet-method} \alias{A<-,AlleleSet,matrix-method} \alias{B} \alias{B,AlleleSet-method} \alias{B<-} \alias{B<-,AlleleSet-method} \alias{B<-,AlleleSet,matrix-method} \alias{open,AlleleSet-method} \alias{close,AlleleSet-method} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Compute average log-intensities / log-ratios} \description{ Methods to compute average log-intensities and log-ratios across alleles, within strand. } \usage{ getA(object) getM(object) A(object, ...) B(object, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{object}{\code{SnpQSet}, \code{SnpCnvQSet} or \code{TilingFeatureSet2} object.} % \item{con}{\code{AlleleSet} or \code{AlleleSet} extension.} \item{...}{arguments to be passed to \code{allele} - 'sense' and 'antisense' are valid values if the array is pre-SNP_5.0} } \details{ For SNP data, SNPRMA summarizes the SNP information into 4 quantities (log2-scale): \itemize{ \item{antisenseThetaA}{antisense allele A. (Not applicable for Affymetrix 5.0 and 6.0 platforms.)} \item{antisenseThetaB}{antisense allele B. (Not applicable for Affymetrix 5.0 and 6.0 platforms.)} \item{senseThetaA}{sense allele A. (Not applicable for Affymetrix 5.0 and 6.0 platforms.)} \item{senseThataB}{sense allele B. (Not applicable for Affymetrix 5.0 and 6.0 platforms.)} \item{alleleA}{Affymetrix 5.0 and 6.0 platforms} \item{alleleB}{Affymetrix 5.0 and 6.0 platforms} } The average log-intensities are given by: \code{(antisenseThetaA+antisenseThetaB)/2} and \code{(senseThetaA+senseThetaB)/2}. The average log-ratios are given by: \code{antisenseThetaA-antisenseThetaB} and \code{senseThetaA-senseThetaB}. For Tiling data, \code{getM} and \code{getA} return the log-ratio and average log-intensities computed across channels: \code{M = log2(channel1)-log2(channel2)} \code{A = (log2(channel1)+log2(channel2))/2} When large data support is enabled with the ff package, the AssayData elements of an \code{AlleleSet} object can be \code{ff_matrix} or \code{ffdf}, in which case pointers to the ff object are stored in the assay data. The functions \code{open} and \code{close} can be used to open or close the connection, respectively. } \value{ A 3-dimensional array (SNP's x Samples x Strand) with the requested measure, when the input SNP data (50K, 250K). A 2-dimensional array (SNP's x Samples), when the input is from SNP 5.0 and SNP 6.0 arrays. A 2-dimensional array if the input is from Tiling arrays. } \seealso{\code{\link[oligo]{snprma}}} \keyword{manip}