\name{getProbeInfo} \alias{getProbeInfo} \alias{availProbeInfo} \title{ Probe information selector. } \description{ A tool to simplify the selection of probe information, so user does not need to use the SQL approaches. } \usage{ getProbeInfo(object, field, probeType = "pm", target = "core", sortBy = c("fid", "man_fsetid", "none"), ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{\code{FeatureSet} object.} \item{field}{character string with names of field(s) of interest to be obtained from database.} \item{probeType}{character string: 'pm' or 'mm'} \item{target}{Used only for Exon or Gene ST arrays: 'core', 'full', 'extended', 'probeset'.} \item{sortBy}{Field to be used for sorting.} \item{...}{Arguments to be passed to \code{\link{subset}}} } \value{ A \code{data.frame} with the probe level information. } \author{Benilton Carvalho} \note{ The code allows for querying info on MM probes, however it has been used mostly on PM probes. } \examples{ if (require(oligoData)){ data(affyGeneFS) availProbeInfo(affyGeneFS) probeInfo <- getProbeInfo(affyGeneFS, c('fid', 'x', 'y', 'chrom')) head(probeInfo) ## Selecting antigenomic background probes agenGene <- getProbeInfo(affyGeneFS, field=c('fid', 'fsetid', 'type'), target='probeset', subset= type == 'control->bgp->antigenomic') head(agenGene) } } \keyword{manip}