\name{mergeCalls} \alias{mergeCalls} \title{ Automatic merging of overlapped nucleosome calls } \description{ This function joints close nucleosome calls into one larger, fuzzy nucleosome. } \usage{ mergeCalls(calls, min.overlap=50, discard.low=0.2, mc.cores=1, verbose=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{calls}{ \code{RangedData} with scored and ranged nucleosome calls from \code{peakScoring} or \code{peakDetection(..., score=TRUE)}. } \item{min.overlap}{ Minimum overlap between two reads for merge them } \item{discard.low}{ Discard low covered calls (i.e. calls with \code{score_h < discard.low} will be discarded) } \item{mc.cores}{ Number of cores available to parallel data processing. } \item{verbose}{ Show progress info? } } \details{ This functions looks for overlapped calls and join those with more than \code{min.overlap} bases overlapped. More than two reads can be joined in one single call if all of them are overlapped at least that distance with almost another read in the range. Joining is performed in chain, so if nucleosome call A is close to B and B is close to C, the final call will comprise the range A-B-C. The resulting scores (mixed, width, height) of the final joined call will be the average value of the individual scores. The parameter \code{discard.low} allows to ignore the small peaks that could be merged with larger ones, originating large calls. In the case that all of the overlapped reads in a given position have \code{score_h} less than \code{discard.low}, all of them will be selected instead of deleting that call. } \value{ \code{RangedData} with merged calls and the additional data column \code{nmerge}, with the count of how many original ranges are merged in the resulting range. } \author{ Oscar Flores \email{oflores@mmb.pcb.ub.es} } \seealso{ \code{\link{peakScoring}} } \keyword{manip} \examples{ #Generate a synthetic coverage map (assuming reads of 40bp and fragments of 130) map = syntheticNucMap(wp.num=20, fuz.num=20, nuc.len=40, lin.len=130, rnd.seed=1) cover = filterFFT(coverage(map$syn.reads)) #Find peaks over FFT filtered coverage calls = peakDetection(filterFFT(cover, pcKeepComp=0.02), width=130, score=TRUE) #Merge overlapped calls merged_calls = mergeCalls(calls) plotPeaks(merged_calls, cover) }