\name{export.wig} \alias{export.wig} \title{ Export values in WIG format } \description{ Export coverage/intensity values in WIG format, compatible with UCSC genome browser, IGB, and others } \usage{ export.wig(data, name, chrom="", filepath=name) } \arguments{ \item{data}{ Coverage/intensity values (numeric } \item{name}{ Name of the track } \item{chrom}{ Information about chromosome if not inferrable from \code{data} (only for numeric vectors) } \item{filepath}{ Filepath where to save the object. Chromosome name and "wig" extension will be automatically added } } \value{ (none) } \references{ WIG format specification: http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat#format6 } \author{ Oscar Flores \email{oflores@mmb.pcb.ub.es} } \keyword{ file } \examples{ \dontrun{ #Load data data(nucleosome_htseq) cover = coverage.rpm(nucleosome_htseq) #Create wig file export.wig(cover, name="example_track") #This would create the file "example_track.chr1.wig" with: #track type=wiggle_0 name="example_track" #fixedStep chrom=chr1 start=1 step=1 #55.55247 #55.55247 #55.55247 #277.7623 #388.8673 #... } }