\name{toydata} \alias{toydata} \docType{data} \title{toydata} \description{ Toy data for NetResponse examples. } \usage{ data(toydata) } \format{ Toy data: a list with three elements: emat: Data matrix (samples x features). This contains the same features that are provided in the network (toydata$netw). The matrix characterizes measurements of network states across different conditions. netw: Binary matrix that describes pairwise interactions between features. This defines an undirected network over the features. A link between two nodes is denoted by 1. model: A pre-calculated model. Object of NetResponseModel class, resulting from applying the netresponse algorithm on the toydata with model <- detect.responses(D, netw). } \references{Leo Lahti et al.: Global modeling of transcriptional responses in interaction networks. Bioinformatics (2010).} \examples{ data(toydata) D <- toydata$emat # Response matrix (samples x features) netw <- toydata$netw # Network between the features model <- toydata$model # Pre-calculated NetResponseModel obtained with # model <- detect.responses(D, netw) } \keyword{ misc }