\name{plot.subnet} \alias{plot.subnet} \title{plot.subnet} \description{Plot the given subnetwork.} \usage{ \method{plot}{subnet}(x, subnet.id, network, plot.names = TRUE, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Result from NetResponse (detect.responses function). } \item{subnet.id}{Subnet id. } \item{network}{Original network used in the modelling.} \item{plot.names}{Plot node names (TRUE) or indices (FALSE).} \item{...}{Further arguments for plot function.} } \value{ Used for its side-effects. Returns a matrix that describes the investigated subnetwork. } \references{L. Lahti et al.: Global modeling of transcriptional responses in interaction networks. Submitted.} \author{Leo Lahti, Olli-Pekka Huovilainen and Antonio Gusmao. Maintainer: Leo Lahti } \examples{ # res <- detect.responses(D, netw, verbose = FALSE) # net <- plot.subnet(res, subnet.idx = 1) } \keyword{utilities}