\name{plot.scale} \alias{plot.scale} \title{plot.scale} \description{ Plot the color scale used in visualization. } \usage{ \method{plot}{scale}(x, y, m = NULL, cex.axis = 1.5, label.step = 2, interval = 0.1, two.sided = TRUE, label.start = 1, Nlab = 3, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Breakpoints for the plot.} \item{y}{Color palette.} \item{m}{Breakpoints' upper limit.} \item{cex.axis}{Axis scale.} \item{label.step}{Density of the labels.} \item{interval}{Interval.} \item{two.sided}{Plot two-sided (TRUE) or one-sided (FALSE) visualization.} \item{label.start}{Label starting point.} \item{Nlab}{Number of labels to plot.} \item{...}{Further arguments for plot function.} } \value{Used for its side-effects.} \references{See citation("netresponse")} \author{Leo Lahti } \note{Depends on Rgraphviz and igraph packages.} \examples{ #res <- detect.responses(D, netw, verbose = FALSE) #vis <- plot.responses(res, subnet.idx) #plot.scale(vis$breaks, vis$palette) } \keyword{utilities}