\name{plot.responses} \alias{plot.responses} \title{plot.responses} \description{Plot the detected transcriptional responses for a given subnetwork. } \usage{ \method{plot}{responses}(x, subnet.id, nc = 3, plot.names = TRUE, plot.mode = "network", xaxis = TRUE, yaxis = TRUE, plot.type = "twopi", mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2), horiz = TRUE, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ Result from NetResponse (detect.responses function). } \item{subnet.id}{ Subnet id. } \item{nc}{ Number of columns for an array of images. } \item{plot.names}{ Plot node names (TRUE) or indices (FALSE).} \item{plot.mode}{network: plot responses as a subnetwork graph; matrix, heatmap: plot subnetwork expression matrix. For both, expression of each gene is shown relative to the mean expression level of the gene; boxplot.data: feature-wise boxplots for hard sample-to-response assignments; response.barplot: estimated response centroids as barplot including 95\% confidence intervals for the means. } \item{xaxis, yaxis}{Logical. Plot row/column names.} \item{plot.type}{ Network plot mode. For instance, 'neato' or 'twopi'.} \item{mar}{ Figure margins. } \item{horiz}{ Logical. Horizontal barplot.} \item{...}{Further arguments for plot function.} } \value{ Used for its side-effects. } \references{ See citation("netresponse") } \seealso{\code{\link{plot.scale}}} \author{Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@iki.fi}} \examples{ #res <- detect.responses(D, netw) #vis <- plot.responses(res, subnet.id) } \keyword{utilities}