\name{plotPCA} \alias{plotPCA} \title{plotPCA} \description{Visualize data, centroids and response confidence intervals for a given subnetwork with PCA. Optionally, color the samples according to annotations labels.} \usage{plotPCA(x, subnet.id, labels = NULL, confidence = 0.95, ...)} \arguments{ \item{x }{ NetResponseModel object. Output from the detect.responses function. } \item{subnet.id }{ Subnetwork id. Either character as 'Subnetwork-2' or numeric as 2, which is then converted to character.} \item{labels}{Optional: sample class labels to be indicated in colors.} \item{confidence}{Confidence interval for the responses based on the covariances of each response. If NULL, no plotting.} \item{...}{Further arguments for plot function.} } \value{ Used for its side-effects. } \references{See citation("netresponse") for citation details.} \author{Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@iki.fi}} \examples{ #plotPCA(x, subnet.id) } \keyword{utilities}