\name{get.subnets} \alias{get.subnets} \alias{get.subnets,NetResponseModel-method} \title{get.subnets} \description{List the detected subnetworks (each is a list of nodes in the corresponding subnetwork). } \usage{get.subnets(model, get.names = TRUE, min.size = 2, max.size = Inf, min.responses = 2)} \arguments{ \item{model}{Output from the detect.responses function. An object of NetResponseModel class.} \item{get.names}{Logical. Indicate whether to return subnetwork nodes using node names (TRUE) or node indices (FALSE).} \item{min.size, max.size }{Numeric. Filter out subnetworks whose size is not within the limits specified here.} \item{min.responses }{Numeric. Filter out subnetworks with less responses (mixture components) than specified here.} } \value{ A list of subnetworks.} \references{Leo Lahti et al.: Global modeling of transcriptional responses in interaction networks. Bioinformatics (2010). See citation("netresponse") for details.} \author{Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@iki.fi}} \examples{ library(netresponse) # Load a pre-calculated netresponse model obtained with # model <- detect.responses(toydata$emat, toydata$netw, verbose = FALSE) data( toydata ) model <- toydata$model #List the detected subnetworks #(each is a list of nodes for the given subnetwork): get.subnets(model) } \keyword{utilities}