\name{ICMg.get.comp.memberships} \alias{ICMg.get.comp.memberships} \title{ ICMg.get.comp.memberships } \description{Function for computing the component memberships for each data point from the MCMC samples.} \usage{ ICMg.get.comp.memberships(links, samples) } \author{ Juuso Parkkinen } \references{ Parkkinen, J. and Kaski, S. Searching for functional gene modules with interaction component models. BMC Systems Biology 4 (2010), 4. } \arguments{ \item{links}{N x 2 matrix of link endpoints (N = number of links).} \item{samples}{Posterior samples, as given by either ICMg.combined.sampler or ICMg.links.sampler.} } \value{ A matrix containing the component memberships for each data point (node). } \seealso{\code{\link{ICMg.combined.sampler}}, \code{\link{ICMg.links.sampler}}} \keyword{ methods }