\name{prior.EgeneAttach.EB} \alias{prior.EgeneAttach.EB} \title{Initialize E-gene attachment prior for empirical Bayes} \description{This function computes an initial prior for the attachment of E-genes based on observed log-pvalue densities or log-odds ratios. This prior can then be updated within an empirical Bayes procedure (MC.EMiNEM).} \usage{ prior.EgeneAttach.EB(ratioMat) } \arguments{ \item{ratioMat}{data matrix with experiments in the columns (log-odds ratios or log-pvalue densities)} } \value{ |E-genes| x (|S-genes| + 1) matrix with prior E-gene attachment probabilities. The last column denotes the virtual 'null' S-gene, which is there to filter E-genes that have no obvious attachment to any of the real S-genes. } \author{Theresa Niederberger, Holger Froehlich} \references{ Niederberger, T.; Etzold, S.; Lidschreiber, M; Maier, K.; Martin, D.; Fr\"ohlich, H.; Cramer, P.; Tresch, A., MC Eminem Maps the Interaction Landscape of the Mediator, PLoS Comp. Biol., 2012, submitted. } \seealso{\code{\link{set.default.parameters}}, \code{\link{nem}}} \examples{ # only for test purposes data("BoutrosRNAi2002") D <- BoutrosRNAiDens control = set.default.parameters(unique(colnames(D)), Pe=prior.EgeneAttach.EB(D), mcmc.nsamples=100, mcmc.nburnin=50, type="CONTmLLBayes") # these are *not* realistic values res <- nem(D,inference="mc.eminem", control=control) plot(res) } \keyword{graphs} \keyword{models}