\name{local.model.prior} \alias{local.model.prior} \title{Computes a prior to be used for edge-wise model inference} \description{ The function \code{pairwise.posterior} infers a phenotypic hierarchy edge by edge by choosing between four models (unconnected, subset, superset, undistinguishable). For each edge, \code{local.model.prior} computes a prior distribution over the four models. It can be used to ensure sparsity of the graph and high confidence in results. } \usage{ local.model.prior(size,n,bias) } \arguments{ \item{size}{expected number of edges in the graph. } \item{n}{number of perturbed genes in the dataset, number of nodes in the graph} \item{bias}{the factor by which the double-headed edge is preferred over the single-headed edges} } \details{ A graph on \code{n} nodes has \code{N=n*(n-1)/2} possible directed edges (one- or bi-directional). If each edge occurs with probability \eqn{p}, we expect to see \eqn{Np} edges in the graph. The function \code{local.model.prior} takes the number of genes (\code{n}) and the expected number of edges (\code{size}) as an input and computes a prior distribution for edge occurrence: no edge with probability \code{size/N}, and the probability for edge existence being split over the three edge models with a bias towards the conservative double-headed model specified by \code{bias}. To ensure sparsity, the \code{size} should be chosen small compared to the number of possible edges. } \value{ a distribution over four states: a vector of four positive real numbers summing to one } %\references{} \author{Florian Markowetz} %\note{} \seealso{\code{\link{pairwise.posterior}}, \code{\link{nem}}} \examples{ # uniform over the 3 edge models local.model.prior(4,4,1) # bias towards <-> local.model.prior(4,4,2) } \keyword{models}