\name{metadata} \alias{analyzer} \alias{detector} \alias{instrumentInfo} \alias{ionisation} \alias{manufacturer} \alias{model} \alias{runInfo} \title{ Access the metadata from an \code{mzR} object. } \usage{ runInfo(object) analyzer(object) detector(object) instrumentInfo(object) ionisation(object) manufacturer(object) model(object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An instantiated \code{mzR} object.} } \description{ Accessors to the analytical setup metadata of a run. \code{runInfo} will show a summary of the experiment as a named list, including \code{scanCount}, \code{lowMZ}, \code{highMZ}, \code{startMZ}, \code{endMZ}, \code{dStartTime} and \code{dEndTime}. The \code{instrumentInfo} method returns a named \code{list} including instrument manufacturer, model, ionisation technique, analyzer and detector. These individual pieces of information can also be directly accessed by the specific methods. } \seealso{ See for example \code{\link{peaks}} to access the data for the spectra in a \code{"\linkS4class{mzR}"} class. } \author{ Steffen Neumann and Laurent Gatto } \examples{ library(msdata) filepath <- system.file("microtofq", package = "msdata") file <- list.files(filepath, pattern="MM14.mzML", full.names=TRUE, recursive = TRUE) mz <- openMSfile(file) fileName(mz) runInfo(mz) close(mz) }