% File motifRG/man/summaryMotif.Rd \name{summaryMotif} \alias{summaryMotif} \title{summarize a list of motifs} \description{ Create a summary table of a list of motifs found by findMotif} \usage{ summaryMotif(motifs, category) } \arguments{ \item{motifs}{a list of motifs of class \link{Motif-class}} \item{category}{a vector of 0 or 1, specifying which sequences are foreground and background. Input for findMotif} } \value{ A data.frame with following columns: \item{scores}{scores for each Motif. All values are negative. The absolute scales of the scores reflect the discriminative power of the motif for separating the foreground and background. Statistically, they correspond to the Z-values of the predictor(counts of the motifs in this case) in the logistic regression model} \item{signs}{sign of the motifs. TRUE for enriched motifs, FALSE for depleted motifs} \item{fg.hits, bg.hits}{Total number of hits in the foreground, and background sequences. If the motif is scanned on both strands of the input sequences, the counts on both strands are added.} \item{fg.seq, bg.seq}{The number of sequences that contain at least one motif match in the foreground, and the background}. \item{ratio}{The enrichment/depleted ratio of motifs} \item{fg.frac,bg.frac}{The fraction of foreground/background sequences that contain at least one motif match} } \seealso{ \code{\link{findMotif}} \code{\link{motifLatexTable}} \code{\link{motifHtmlTable}} } \examples{ data(ctcf.motifs) ###plot the summary statics of motif matches after masking previous motif ocurrences### summaryMotif(ctcf.motifs$mask.motifs, ctcf.motifs$category) ###plot the summary statics of motif matches in the original sequences### summaryMotif(ctcf.motifs$motifs, ctcf.motifs$category) }