% File motifRG/man/refinePWMMotifExtend.Rd \name{refinePWMMotifExtend} \alias{refinePWMMotifExtend} \title{create an extended PWM (Position Weight Model) model given a initial set of motif matches and input sequences} \description{ Create an extended PWM model given a initial set of motif matches and input sequences } \usage{ refinePWMMotifExtend(motifs=NULL, seqs, pwm.ld=NULL, flank=3, extend.tol=10^-3, trim.rel.entropy=0.2, null=rep(0.25, 4), max.width=20, ...) } \arguments{ \item{motifs}{The initial set of motif matches. character vector or DNAStringSet object} \item{seqs}{Input sequences. character vector or DNAStringSet object} \item{pwm.ld}{The initial PWM matrixes in logodds transformation. Either "motifs" or "pwm.ld" is not NULL} \item{flank}{The number of bases for extension on both sides of the motif. The extension will be iterated if the there is sufficient signal in the flanking region.} \item{extend.tol}{Convergence criteria for extension.} \item{trim.rel.entropy}{cutoff to be used to trim the uninformative flanking of a PWM model based on relative entropy against a null distribution.} \item{null}{NULL background distribution} \item{max.width}{The maximum width of PWM} \item{...}{other arguments passed to function refinePWMMotif} } \value{Same type of object returned by \link{refinePWMMotif}} \details{Flanking regions with length equal to flank is still included in output for reference} \seealso{ \code{\link{findMotif}} \code{\link{refinePWMMotif}} }