% --- Source file: man/prepare.CDF.fromTable.Rd --- \name{prepareMaskedAffybatch} \alias{prepareMaskedAffybatch} \title{ Creating a new CDF } \description{ Create a new affyBatch, withprobes and probesetsdefined by mask. } \usage{ prepareMaskedAffybatch(affy,cdfTablePath,exmask="none",cdfName="new_cdf",exclude=NA,cutoff=0.2) } \arguments{ \item{affy}{ An object of class \code{AffyBatch}.} \item{cdfTablePath}{ Location of the probe information table. This is a plain text file with probes to build new cdf. It should contain 3 or 5 columns. Column 1: Probeset ID. Column 2: probe x-coordinate. Column 3: probes y-coordinate. Optional column 4: Mismatch probe x-coordinate. Optional column 5: Mismatch probe y coordinate. } \item{exmask}{ Data frame with probe information, for example first element of the output of function \code{mask}. Should contain: column 1: probe x-coordinate, column 2:probe y coordinate, column 3 :probeset, column 4: quality score: values to based filtering on, probes with values smaller than cutoff are discarded. } \item{cdfName}{ Name for the new CDF. } \item{cutoff}{ With \code{mask.object}, defines the minimum quality score necessary for a probe to qualify to the new cdf. } \item{exclude}{ Default 'NA'. If exclude set to a number>0, probesets with less than 'exclude' probes remaining after masking are excluded from the new affyBatch object. } } \details{ The function \code{ prepareMaskedAffybatch } creates a new affyBatch including only the probes remaining after masking. Set of probes might be defined by a txt file, with \code{cdfTablePath} argument, or by a data frame \code{mask.object} and \code{cutoff} the probes have to exceed to be used in the new cdf. } \value{ \item{ newAffyBatch }{ A list with an affyBatch object and an environment for the new CDF identifier. } } \references{ Dannemann et al, {The effects of probe binding affinity differences on gene expression measurements and how to deal with them}. Bioinformatics 2009 } %% to do \author{ Michael Lachmann, Mehmet Somel, Michael Dannemann, Anna Lorenc } \seealso{ \code{\link{mask}, \link{overlapExprExtMasks}, \link{plotProbe}}} \examples{ ## prepare new affy batch after masking ## using the expression mask object from the example of the mask function data(AffyBatch) data(exmask) ## AffyBatch object before masking newAffyBatch affyBatchAfterMasking <- prepareMaskedAffybatch(affy=newAffyBatch,exmask=exmask$probes) ## AffyBatch object after masking affyBatchAfterMasking } \keyword{internal}