\name{buildMACAT} \alias{buildMACAT} \title{Create MACAT list from objects in workspace} \description{ This is a wrapper around the preprocessedLoader function. Use it, when you want to build a MACAT-list structure from objects already in your workspace. } \usage{ buildMACAT(matrix, chip, labels = NULL, chromLocObj = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{matrix}{expression matrix with rows=genes and columns=samples; Rownames have to match chip; Columnnames are not mandatory.} \item{chip}{Identifier for used microarray} \item{labels}{Classlabels for samples, has to have length=number of columns in matrix} \item{chromLocObj}{Object of class \code{chromLocation} specifying the genomic position, each probe on the array is mapped to. If not provided, it is build in the function using \code{annotate}'s function \code{buildChromLocation}.} } \details{ This is only a convenience wrapper around the function \code{\link{preprocessedLoader}} for the case, that you want to build a MACAT-list from objects in your workspace. } \value{ A MACAT-list structure. For an example and a description of the format see data \code{stjude} in package 'stjudem'. } \author{MACAT development team} \seealso{\code{\link{preprocessedLoader}},\code{stjude} in package 'stjudem'} \examples{ X <- matrix(rnorm(200),nrow=20,ncol=10) rownames(X) <- c('34916_s_at','34917_at','34462_at','163_at','35219_at', '31641_s_at','33300_at','33301_g_at','38950_r_at','41249_at', '294_s_at','32004_s_at','33299_at','41243_at','33341_at','362_at', '1918_at','41499_at','41500_at','41282_s_at') colnames(X) <- paste("Sample",1:10,sep="") y <- rep(c("A","B"),c(5,5)) toy <- buildMACAT(X,"hgu95av2.db",y) summary(toy) } \keyword{manip}